The Benefits of Regular Massage

How often should you receive massage? Commonly, massage is received every 2 – 4 weeks. You can increase or decrease frequency as needed. Sticking to at least monthly will give you the most benefit. You will notice after a few regular massages, your body will remind you when it is time for a massage.
Why is regular massage best? The answer has many levels. 1) It takes you awhile to get accustomed to the routine and practice of massage. You will notice that your first massage may be a bit nerve-wracking: You are not sure what to expect. After a few massages with the same massage therapist, you will relax simply by entering the massage office. 2) If you have a months or years long history of discomfort and tension, it takes time for your body to heal and recover from old injuries, chronic stress or tension. 3) Your body and mind like routine and regularity. Just as bathing and brushing your teeth regularly are more beneficial that sporadic care, a regular dose of the benefits induced by massage is most effective.
What are the benefits of regular massage? Here are some of those that have been shown through many of the studies done.

  • Manage Stress

  • Ease Anxiety and Depression

  • Prevent and Tame Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

  • Reduced Pain

  • Improve Sleep

  • Regulate Blood Pressure

  • Increase Muscle Flexibility

  • Reduce or Alleviate Headaches and Migraines

  • Improve Digestion

  • Reduce Muscle Tension

  • Support well-being

  • Reduce Joint Pain

  • Increase Joint Mobility

  • Increase Concentration

  • Maintain a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period

  • Support recovery from injury and surgery

  • Improve Self-Awareness

The best time to begin incorporating massage into your regular health and wellness routine is now! If you are uncertain about what may be the best length of time or frequent, talk to your Certified Massage Therapist today.

Note: Massage therapy is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions or to replace the care of a trained medical professional. Please consult your doctor for medical or mental health care.


Having a regular routine for wellness is the best way to maintain your health.

Massage is a great addition to your wellness plan. Positive effects of massage are cumulative: Each massage builds on the one before. You will find massage most effective when you schedule them regularly.


Massage and Sleep


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